I have voluntarily put my heart on lockdown. Solitary confinement for an indefinate period of time. After the break up of my last boyfriend, and the dust of anger had settled, I still clung onto the hope that we had a future together and that he would come to see that. Of course, I did that with my ex-husband and instead of wanting me back, he just went out and married someone else. It was a crushing blow to know that you weren't worth it. Well, it's happened again (he didn't get married, but came to the conclusion that saying goodbye was the answer). It hurts, quite a bit in fact, but what can you do aside from duct tape him to a chair? They say that 3rd times a charm, I say I'm just setting myself up again. I even deleted the personal ads I had online, I need to take a break and heal. Either way, I'm too old for babies, to average to be arm candy and have little to offer anyone, so why wear out what's left of my heart on short-term relationships? I don't need anyone to help me pick out movies or to eat out with me, I can do those things by myself, have been for years. Vacations? Been there done THAT myself too. Would be nice to share that experience sure, but I'm perfectly capable of doing it alone. I buy my own flowers, treat myself to little items to show how thoughtful I am and enjoy taking myself out for a margarita anytime I want. The best part is that I won't ever wake up to me telling myself "It's over, I'll leaving". See? I'll be just fine. Now, Me, Myself and I are going to go start planning our vacation.....
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