Well, I've come to the conclusion (I know, I've done that a lot lately) that my site needs a major overhaul. Apparently, it's insulting and rude to expect work to be done within a 6 month time frame. I must have missed that memo. It caused people to get totally pissed off at me and drop me like a hot potato, which I'm guess the work that I had done with them was also trashed. Lovely, isn't it? But I guess I was just so overly demanding and got upset at being shoved to the back burner time after time, this is my punishment. So fine, something obviously needed to change. Counting on 'friends' no longer works, in fact it is downright pointless unless your point is to give them a knife to shove into your heart. In which case....mission accomplished.
I've decided to just cut my losses and do a total overhaul on my business. Which means the only one I will have to truly count on is ME, that way, when I DO have a problem, no one else will be in any position to be blamed, insulted or pissed off. It'll all be me.
Business will probably go down for a bit at first, but hey, it's already at the bottom, so it can't be that bad, right? I started out taking my own pictures and filming myself before anyone else got involved, I'm sure I can do it again. Maybe I'll hire college students or someone to help me with the understanding that what is shot stays with me, all they have to do is shoot and go. The rest will be MY sole responsibility. No more counting on anyone else, forcing myself to sit back and play a very long waiting game and then having people get pissed because I say something about the time crunch. That's complete CRAP, it sucks and I'm DONE! I've had ENOUGH being stepped all over and then treated as though I'M in the wrong.
Things are gonna change TODAY and I'm starting with me.
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