Monday morning, after rotating the dogs, I went to work, hoping that the worst was over and I would now start to move up-ward, well, at least a little bit anyway. Not much actually went wrong, which was a plus. Worked a very long day though, especially since after 2pm, I was put on the drive-thru window. That means that I'm basically on my own, aside from having a sandwhich maker. That can be stressful, being just as busy, but with less than 1/2 the staff, it heaps on how much I need a new job! Got through it though, and after the dogs were settled, I got onlne. The rest of the night was fairly ok, minus the few calling cards I had to mop/cleann up
Tuesday was a bit worse. After rotating the dogs, I left for work......9 hours plus, no break and spending the entire time standing, working in a 3 x 5 area was exhausting. My ex had texted me but of course, I never had a chance to call to see what's up. My son actually called me at work and said the school had called his father to come and get him, he was twitching all over. I finally get off work and my ex calls while I'm waiting on my food. Naturally, I have yet to sit down, my co-workers were asking me about my order and was just not ready to listen to him, I said to call me back in 15 minutes. He didn't because HE told me that I was to call HIM back. I talk to my son again on the way home and as I hang up, am clammering to get to my front door with my arms totally loaded down with stuff. I flip the switch for the lights and nothing happens. U hadn't gotten to the electric office to pay my bill, so they cut off my power. After getting a few candles lit and the dogs rotated, which was a real treat only having a few candles lit, I called my ex. I have been so good at being calm while talking to him, but today was just NOT the day for him to lay into me. My son had shuddered a few times while we were at the boardgame meet-up at Starbucks on Thursday night. No big deal, I thought, he's just cold. We went through Friday and I did notice he shuddered a couple times once he got home, but again, my house is usually cold, *I* shudder sometimes myself. I dropped him off at his father's house, 6 pm and hear nothing about it until my ex gets a hold of me and gripes me out because I hadn't brought it to his attention. Honestly I believe it's because he had to leave work early and pic my son up from school. Turns out my son has some sort of tic and we have to watch him for a week. He'll have his follow-up appointment next Tuesday, where we'll know more.
Wednesday was my 'short day' this week, and I got a break to boot, so it was a little better. Still came home to no power though. My dad had taken out my rent money, so the funds just weren't there to turn the power back on. Of course, all that standing, my neck down was terrible stiff and sore, but no power means no hot water, so there was no hot bath to be taken. Once I rotated the dogs, I went back out to find an outlet for my computer...gotta have my online time, lol. I can't get to sleep that night, so that leaves me wanting to sleep in the next morning. No such luck!
My dad calls me at 6 something in the morning, he's heard about my power outage and isn't happy. I couldn't get back to sleep even though it's the only thing I want to do....the call woke up the dogs who are all barking and carrying on because they have to pee, so I drag myself out of bed and starting my day. My dad put my rent back into the bank so I could get to the power company and get my power back on, so once the dogs are rotated I throw on my uniform and advance to the Electric Company, passing the bank and collecting the $200. I go ahead and go to work, figuring even with 2 hours before my all day shift starts, it's just too much work to go home, so I sit in the Wendy's dining room and set up my lap top. After yet another long and exhausting day, I get home about 8:30 that night, flip the switch and nothing happens! NO electric. I was HOT! Istumbled around for some matches and candles, using my cell phone as a flashlight, and after light the livingroom, rotate the dogs while I look for my bill for the phone company. I get on the phone with them and lash out through the bad phone connection at the poor CSR. In 45 minutes, my power is turned back on.
Friday comes....FINALLY!!! Again, I've had little sleep and really want to sleep in....too bad. Mom calls at 8am and urges me to set my sons appt. So I stumble outt bed and track down the phone book and get that out of the way. However, I have to be at work at an earlier time today, so instead of diving back under the covers, I get dressed and head to work. Our district manager is there, oh joy, but take the opportunity to drop the hint that I'm interested in transferring to the new store and ask when they plan on interviewing for positions there, including management. She then proceeds to tell me that I'm so slow to be a manager. WHAT???!!! ME??!! I'm one of the hardest workers there, I do my work as well as the work of several others, I hustle whenever I need to, I make sure I stock and clean as I go so when it does come time to go, I'm ready. She said that she's told my manager sever times how it looks like I'm barely moving, maybe I'm in pain or something. Does anyone say anything to ME? Ask ME if I'm in pain? NOPE, not a peep. I move tons faster than their newest manager and I even move faster than our main manger. And as a matter of fact, I AM in pain, my back has needed surgery for years and I have little to no cartlidge left in my knees, but I still MOVE! I could NOT believe what she was saying! Needless to say, it ruined my mood.
I get home moments before my son gets there, so there's no time to get my bath, even though I now have hot water, so after the dogs and getting my son settled in, THATs where I head! AAaaaahhhhhh, nice hot bath, MAN that felt great! No food in the house, we head out to Walmart and then back in the house for the night. It was SO good to see the weekend in the immediate near future! And I slept IN this morning too!
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